Wednesday, September 8, 2010

USL2 now part of USL Pro

It wouldn't be an off season in the lower divisions of soccer without some sort of change. It looks like this one will be no different.

United Soccer Leagues announced today a restructuring plan than combines USL1 and USL2 into one league, USL PRO.  

USL Restructures Professional Division - USL

USL headquarters have confirmed that USL PRO will not be applying for official Division 2 status and that the intent of the new league is to run it regionally, much like USL2 was run this season.   

The article mention that teams involved in USL PRO in 2011 will be announced in the upcoming weeks.  But from the photo on the ULS press release, it looks like Austin, as well as last seasons USL2 teams will be part of the restructure.

It also mention that there could be up to four geographical division.  Tim Holt has mentioned the possibility of a Western Division of USL2 a couple months ago so that is one possibility.  I would imagine the primary East coast USL2 will be divided into a North East and South East (or Southern) division.  The fourth possibility is a little more elusive, possibly the Caribbean division with Puerto Rico and Antigua or even a Heartland division with teams like Des Moinse, and St. Louis Lions.

We have sent out some emails in hopes of getting some more information and will update "No Quarter" if we hear anything.

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